
1. Name: 

The name of the Society shall be the Pentagon Local History Society

2. Aims:

The Society's aims are:

3. Membership:

4. The General Body:

The General Body shall comprise all members of the Society. It will have full voting rights in the election of a Committee at the Annual General  Meeting. If any member of the General Body has any concern pertaining to the functioning of the Society or constitutional amendments, the issue should be put forward to the Secretary in writing. The Secretary will discuss the issue in a meeting of the Committee, within a reasonable time.

5. The Committee:

The Chairman :

The Secretary :

The Treasurer :

Other Office Holders :

There shall be two other signatories apart from the Treasurer, who shall be members of the Committee. The cheques shall be signed by any two of the three signatories.

6. Meetings of the Society :

7. Elections :

8. Amendments to this Constitution:

Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member of the General Body, and must be submitted to the Secretary in writing. This Constitution may be amended only at an Annual General Meeting, or a General Meeting specially called for that purpose. No vote on a constitutional amendment shall be valid unless at least one quarter of the Society's members are present at the meeting.

9. Cessation of activities

Signed : Alan David Rabjohn

Dated: 16th December 2006